
We had our first sonogram appointment on Thursday. I’ve got to admit, seeing the baby for the first time was really exciting. It seemed to finally make it real for me. They say that a mother becomes a mother as soon as she finds out that she is pregnant and a father becomes a father when the baby is born. After seeing our baby I feel like I’m finally on my way.

So – the report was good…two arms, two legs, brain, etc. It was pretty amazing the detail that you can see. All four chambers of the heart, two sides of the brain…it’s pretty neat! Since we’re not finding out the baby’s gender before the birth we looked away when the ultrasound tech was looking in that area, but we both think that we know. Of course, we’ll still have that surprise on the big day.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Baby Heiser:

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5 Responses to Sonogram!

  1. Linda Latham says:

    The baby looks just like “its” mama!

  2. Charissa Stamm says:

    Hi baby Heiser! How beautiful! I find it interesting that I could never figure out the us pics until we had one of our own!

  3. That’s so exciting, congratulations!!

  4. crystal says:

    So, what do THINK it is?

  5. breaker119 says:

    I really have no idea!

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